So, you're looking outside into your front or backyard and everything is looking a little bland and dull. You know that what will really make this outdoor space go from drab to fab is a garden filled with colour and great smelling flowers. But you've never had what you'd call a green thumb. Well, don't worry. Taking care of a garden doesn't have to be complicated and overly time consuming and can be a great hobby as well as a way to improve your home's curb appeal. Here are some simple tips to help you get your garden started.

There are four main things that a garden needs to grow and thrive: water, sun, fertilizer, and protection from weeds. The first two of these are usually taken care of by nature for you. Depending whether you live in Leslieville homes or in British Columbia, the amount of sun and water your plants will get just varies. You will be responsible for fertilizing and weeding your garden. Here are some tips to help you with all of these things.

Water and sun: Before you start planning out your yard landscape, it's a good idea to talk to a gardening specialist about what plants grow well in your area. You may have seen beautiful roses at some house across the city but those might not survive well in the soil surrounding your home. Consider how much sun your yard actually gets throughout the day. Are there lots of trees or buildings blocking you from natural light? Also consider how much rain you get. While you can always water a garden yourself instead of waiting for rainfall, it's easier and more environmentally friendly to choose plant species that can survive naturally with the rain that you get.

Especially if you're living in a city home like Mississauga real estate that has been developed several times over through time, it's likely that the soil you have in your yard does not have enough nutrients to support a strong garden. It's a good idea to do a soil test to see what is needed to make the ground healthy. You don't want to add a bunch of nutrients that your plants don't need. Once you've chosen the right fertilizer, whether it's organic or chemical, make sure that you're following the instructions properly. It's very possible to over-fertilize and this could end up killing your flowers instead of helping them.

If you're not someone who enjoys the thought of spending Saturday mornings out in the garden weeding, there are ways to reduce the weeds around your decks and garden space. Use organic mulch or grass clippings over all of your soil. Just allow grass clippings to dry before you add them to your garden. If you do find weeds growing above this, just make sure you are pulling them out to the root. This will keep them from growing back quickly.

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